Writer and comedian Keaton Patti tweeted on Wednesday that he forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Olive Garden commercials and then asked it to write its own version. Prepare for pasta nachos and lasagna wings.。
CARD ID: 359415。
The scene opens with a group of friends meeting at Olive Garden for dinner, when a waitress delivers "what could be considered food."。
"Food" includes pasta nachos that are "warm and defeated," lasagna wings with "extra Italy," and unlimited stick. 。
"Food" includes pasta nachos that are "warm and defeated," lasagna wings with "extra Italy," and unlimited stick. 。
CARD ID: 359412。
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"It is all," she says ominously.。
The script takes a more menacing tone when, after being asked what's wrong, Friend 4 silently opens her mouth and reveals it's full of "secret soup."。
Then in what the script calls a "wet voice" the announce says: "Olive Garden. When You're Here, You're Here."。
Who knew Olive Garden commercials had so much potential for horror shorts?
Who knew Olive Garden commercials had so much potential for horror shorts?
The messages in the script resonated with Twitter users.。
Tweet may have been deleted。 Tweet may have been deleted。Tweet may have been deleted 。
Although it's unlikely that a bot。 actually。wrote this -- as donohoe pointed out, 1,000 hours comes out to about 250,000 unique Olive Garden commercials.。
Patti, who has also written for Comedy Central, The Onion, McSweeney's, and Funny Or Die, made a series of these bot scripts. They're inspired by。
Saw 。
movies, Fox News segments, and infomercials. 。
Tweet may have been deleted 。
Are the bots taking over? No, but they do want some secret soup.。
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