Whether you're a new mother or you've had years of experience, breastfeeding your children can be challenging and confusing.。
Momseze — a new app that allows parents to connect with certified lactation consultants and baby specialists 24/7 — is here to try and help. 。
SEE ALSO:A politician breastfed during a parliament speech because women work and babies get hungry. Deal with it.。According to the Momseze website, parents with questions, concerns, or issues that may arise during breastfeeding or childcare — everything from baby blues to difficulty latching and positioning — can use the app to quickly and easily speak to a specialist via video, voice chat, or text message.。
Thanks for signing up! 。
The app essentially puts a group of 30 highly trained and certified lactation consultants across the country who have experience as registered nurses, in-hospital lactation consultants, doulas, and more at your fingertips, providing new parents with help.。Credit: momseze/app store。Credit: momseze/app store。
Credit: momseze/app store 。 "We are the only service that can help a nursing mother on-demand any time of the day or night, no matter where in the world she happens to be,” the website explains. "Any other service out there would require a mom to make an appointment for some future time rather than provide immediate assistance in their moment of need." 。Sounds pretty perfect, right?
Sounds pretty perfect, right? Welllllll, almost. A service 。this。
Credit: screengrab/momseze。
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