What's up, word nerds? A new Wordlepuzzle is ready for you to flex your brain on, providing you the opportunity to earn both a sense of satisfaction and Twitter bragging rights. To help you along, here are a few tips and hints that might nudge you toward the solution.
If you'd rather have the answer to today's Wordledelivered straight, skip to the end of this article for May 25's solution revealed. Alternatively, if you prefer to do the work yourself, keep scrolling for tips, clues, and strategies to offer you a helping hand.
Though originally created by engineer Josh Wardle as a present for his partner, Wordlequickly spread to become a global phenomenon. The word puzzle game is now enjoyed by thousands of people around the world each day, with fans even creating alternate iterations. These include battle royale Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and variations like Dordleand Quordlethat have you trying to guess multiple words at once.
Wordleeven grew so popular that it was purchased by the New York Times, and it continues to provide livestream content for TikTok creators.
Not the day you're after? Here's the Wordleanswer for May 24.
Like determining the best cake flavour, determining the best Wordlestarting word is an entirely subjective matter. However, if you enjoy being ruthlessly strategic when taking on word puzzles, we have a few ideas to help you select your opening move. One hot tip is to choose a word that has at least two different vowels in it. It wouldn't hurt to make sure it has a few common consonants as well, such as S, T, R, or N.
Some days you just want to bury yourself in Wordles, which is absolutely fine and valid. If your wordlust wasn't saited by today's singular puzzle, the entire archive of past Wordles is also available for you to tap into whenever your heart desires. Just set a timer so you don't forget the other things you need to do today.
It may feel as though Wordle is getting harder, but we can assure you it isn't. However, if this news is more of a disappointment than a relief, Wordledoes have a Hard Mode you can turn on if you want to up the difficulty.
Though it's generally Wordle law that there is just one correct answer each day, sometimes two different correct solutions present themselves instead. This is because the New York Timesmade changes to Wordleafter it acquired the puzzle game earlier this year.
Today's Wordlesolution is a verb. If you're ever accused of wrongdoing, you'd hope a few trustworthy people would do this for you.
No double letters for this one — we're working with all original vowels and consonants today!
Today's Wordlesolution begins with the letter V, as in "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay.
This is it — your final chance to turn back before we reveal today's Wordle solution.
Lock in your answer now!
The solution to Wordle #340 is...
Vouch means to speak up and attest to something as being true and reliable. In legal cases, character witnesses vouch for a person hoping that the court will take their good reputation into account.
Don't feel discouraged if you didn't guess the word this time — you can always try again on the next Wordle puzzle. Come back tomorrow for more helpful clues and hints!
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