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2025-03-04 19:18:40 [熱點] 来源:有聲有色網

It's winter in Australia right now, but snowfall is difficult to come by unless you're in one of the few mountainous regions in the country.

So if you want to see snow, you'll have to travel -- or get creative.

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As Roland Zopf from Bathurst, Australia, did when he built his very own snow gun, turning a patch of grass on the side of the road into a winter wonderland. Like many of the best Australian ideas, the concept was formed down at the local watering hole.

"It all started a number of years ago, when at the pub in the beer garden one night, a guy spilt his drink on the table and it froze. I said jokingly that it's cold enough to run a snow gun here," Zopf said via Messenger.

Following bit of research, some internet sleuthing, and trips to the local hardware store, Zopf was able to build his very own snow gun.

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Mashable ImageCredit: roland zopf

It's made from a "water pressure washer, an air compressor and some plumbing bits from the hardware store," but is still powerful enough to get 15 centimetres (5.9 inches) of snow.

Mashable ImageCredit: roland zopf

"Took several trials to get it right. The weather has to be sub-zero," Zopf explained. "-2 degrees Celsius is good, -4 degrees Celsius much better snow quality."

"This week was looking perfect for snowmaking, so I decided to get out the guns. I had trouble on Thursday night with hose fittings, and broke the water pressure washer with over tightening. So Friday with a new pressure washer and getting up at 2 a.m., with -3.5 degrees Celsius, I was able to fire the snowgun."

The snowfield was located across from a bus stop, with plenty of children stopping to play in the snow before school. Just like they do in the movies.

"Everyone loved it, until the teachers told them to get to school," Zopf said.

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