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2024-09-17 12:10:53 [時尚] 来源:有聲有色網

So you’ve killed it in your interviews and now you have not one, but two awesome offers.

First—congrats! If you’re doing the job search right, you can be faced with choosing between multiple enticing positions. To get here, you’ve probably targeted your outreach, prepared for every interview, tailored your questions, sent follow up notes and thank you’s. All your hard work has paid off.

Now, you’re faced with the difficult decision of which offer to accept. Read on for my advice on how to decide:

The job

When comparing two great job offers, dive into what the day-to-day work would actually look like. Think about the metrics you’ll be evaluated against. Can you hit your quota? Will you be jumping into a position you can actually be successful in? Be sure you know what the review process is, and how to keep moving forward. Of course you want to be challenged, but be sure that you can also show growth. Are there opportunities for you to lead a team or take on more managerial duties? Ask what the company’s training process is like, and if there’s a way for you to learn new skills.

The team

Before accepting an offer, know who your direct manager would be. You may have even interviewed with them already.

Do you think you’ll get the support you need from this person? While you should feel secure operating individually, your manager will be a key part in your success. Think about the people you met when you interviewed.

Do they seem like the sort of people you can rely on as your teammates? I’m not saying “would you have a drink with them” – and in fact, I think we should all throw out “The Beer Test.” But, you should enjoy the company of your coworkers and believe in the work they are all doing too.

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Who else will be on the team? At a startup, you may be interacting with the founder or executive team frequently. Look into their leadership style, see if they’ve written articles, research their background. You want to trust and believe in the company’s leaders.

The company

Hopefully by the time you get an offer, the company you’d be joining isn’t much of a mystery. Beyond having a sense of company culture, you should know its size, if it has remote offices, and have a sense of their finances if they are public.

Some companies offer travel opportunities, re-location reimbursement, or stock options. Weigh these in your decision. Consider the size of the company and the speed things get done. A startup may offer more challenges, but could also provide an excellent equity package and the chance to reach your goals more quickly. As a part of the company, you’ll be representing their brand. Be sure it’s one you can get behind and are excited about.

Finally, this should go without saying, but know yourself. What’s important to you as an employee? Where do you see yourself in the future?

You will be spending quite a bit of time at your next office, and you want to be sure you’ve made the right decision. Try nailing down what’s personally important before starting the interview process. Take notes after each step about what you liked and what gave you pause. This will make your decision that much easier.

And, remember that once you have an offer, it’s courteous to respond quickly! Hopefully these tips will help expedite your decision.

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Carolyn Betts Fleming is the Founder and CEO of Betts Recruiting, the leading global recruitment firm specializing in matching revenue-generating talent with the world’s most innovative companies. 

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