北京時間5月30日3:00 ,失良2020-21賽季歐冠決賽,机哈曼城對陣切爾西 。弗茨反击第72分鍾 ,中饼切爾西反擊,普利普利西奇麵對埃德森右腳射門稍稍偏出 。打偏
免責聲明 :文中圖片、西错西奇文字引用至網絡,失良版權歸原作者所有 ,机哈如有問題請聯係刪除!弗茨反击
Old lady swatting at a cat ends up in Photoshop battle
South Asians tell their families not to vote for Donald Trump
Teen dressed as a water bottle for Halloween is flipping amazing
President Obama explains why Michelle will never run for office
Darth Vader is back. Why do we still care?
This letter to Americans has an important message ahead of elections
Voters share emotional tributes with #DedicateYourVoteToAWoman
Intense video shows a vape exploding inside a dude's pocket
Nate Parker is finally thinking about the woman who accused him of rape
Twitter users want to trick Clinton supporters to 'vote' via text