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2025-02-25 01:11:03 [焦點] 来源:有聲有色網

While the debate rages on over marriage equality in Australia, one pizza shop has had a nifty response to an advertisement against it. 。

Wiseguise Pizza in Launceston, Tasmania found an "It's OK to say no" billboard attached to their store. It's part of a campaign to get Australians to vote against the legalisation of same-sex marriage in the country.。

SEE ALSO:Fireball, the unofficial beverage of regret, is now available in bagel form 。

So the shop's employees decided to do something about it, and get it to say no to something else: Pineapple on pizza. 。

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The painting is an attempt to depoliticise the business, in the belief that the original sign would have a negative effect on the store.  。 "It's the Australian way, you know, to take an issue that's got a lot of people divided at the moment and make it a little bit more light-hearted," Wiseguise managing director Alex Jones told。

ABC News. 。

"Obviously we're big believers in freedom of speech, and we're very lucky that we live in a country that allows us to be like that."。

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One thing is for sure, the debate over pineapple on pizza will show no signs of stopping, ever. 。

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