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近日 ,发内德國轉會市場盤點了下賽季大巴黎可能的德转首發陣容 ,德轉身價總和高達6.6億歐元。预测亿欧
前鋒 :內馬爾(1億歐元)、下赛姆巴佩(1.6億歐元) 、季巴迪馬利亞(2000萬歐元)
後衛 :特奧-埃爾南德斯(5000萬歐元)、德转阿什拉夫-哈基米(6000萬歐元) 、预测亿欧拉莫斯(1000萬歐元) 、下赛金彭貝(4000萬歐元)
門將 :多納魯馬(6000萬歐元)
免責聲明:文中圖片 、文字引用至網絡 ,版權歸原作者所有 ,如有問題請聯係刪除 !
Man stumbles upon his phone background in real life
Neil deGrasse Tyson tried his hand at naming Beyoncé's twins
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Cat gets stuck in the most awkward position ever
Microwave what?! Research suggests we've been drinking tea all wrong
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Alicia Keys' son is an incredible beatboxer. What else did you expect?
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This weird squid looks like it has googly eyes, guys
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