Theresa May and Veep'sSelina Meyer have an awful lot in common. Both became the unelected leaders of a country and then suffer disastrous consequences at the next election.
SEE ALSO:'Veep' creator tells Trump to 'shut the **** up' after misleading London tweetArmando Iannucci, creator of the Emmy-award winning series Veep, tweeted his take on the UK election as the results were coming in.
"Politician becomes country's leader unelected but then loses very soon after in her election. It's hilarious," wrote Iannucci.
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In season three of the hit show, Vice President Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) ascends to the presidency after President Hughes resigns abruptly near the end of his term for personal issues. At the start of her presidency, the press question whether she'll be "the 8-month president." Meyer secures the part nomination to run for a second term, but eventually loses the presidential race.
Via GiphyIn the aftermath of the UK general election, it's fair to say there are certainly parallels. Theresa May also assumed her role as prime minister after the former PM David Cameron abruptly resigned following the UK's decision to leave the European Union in 2016's referendum. Theresa May assumed the role as PM, but called a snap election in April 2017 in a quest to gain a "stronger mandate".
But, May's gamble ultimately backfired as the election ended in a hung parliament after May lost the Conservative party's majority.Time to start watching Veep, T-May?