A whole new generation is about to fall in love with The Office thanks to a delightful new children's book.
The Office: A Day at Dunder Mifflin Elementary, written by Robb Pearlman and gorgeously illustrated by Melanie Demmer, follows a young, suit-clad Michael Scott on his journey to become the "World's Best Line Leader."
He and his fellow students in Ms. Levinson's class (yes, as in Jan) spend the day brainstorming in a meeting, planning and attending a party, and working together to make the perfect line. Amidst adorable depictions of the Dunder Mifflin characters fans know and love, the story sets out to teach kids the importance of teamwork and that it's always OK to ask for help.
The Officehas been off the air since 2013, but since it started streaming on Netflix and reruns began airing regularly on television, a whole new, younger group of fans has come to love the workplace comedy. In the spirit of sharing The Officewith as many age groups as possible, Little, Brown Young Readers andNBC Universal partnered to bring fans a story that they can proudly introduce to kids in their lives who may still be too young to watch the show.
The age-appropriate book is written for children four to eight, but I can confirm that it's a must-read for any adult fan of the show, too. It's packed with an overwhelming amount of references and Easter eggs that only true fans will pick up on — from illustrated Dundie Awards and Kelly's birthday mugs, to Dwight's bobblehead and Creed's sprouted mung beans.
Detailed nods to some of the show's most memorable moments can be found on every page, and there's even a scavenger hunt to take part in while you're flipping through.
The precious illustrations of pint-sized Michael, Dwight (who snags himself an Assistant tothe Line Leader position,) Jim, Pam, Angela, Kelly, Ryan, Stanley, Meredith, Phyllis, Kevin, Oscar, Creed, Toby, and more are charming as hell. And with the show's 15th anniversary coming up in March, the book is a another lovely reminder of how The Office has not only endured over the years, but remarkably thrived.
The Office: A Day at Dunder Mifflin Elementary is set to publish on Oct. 6, 2020, but you can pre-order your copy today for $17.99.
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