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2025-03-04 18:27:30 [熱點] 来源:有聲有色網

There's also a cardinal rule in the dating game: you don't arrange back-to-back dates on the same night in the same bar.

And, this tale of a woman who found herself on a date with a "fucjboy" who arranged six dates on the same night in the same bar is, well, a lesson in the art of not being a total douchebag.

And, yes, you can bet the man in question got his comeuppance.

SEE ALSO:I played a 'Netflix and Chill' simulator with the guy I Netflix and chill with

When Lisette Pylant, from Washington, D.C., went on a date with a chap she met in a bar on her birthday on Saturday night, she didn't quite know what she had in store. In a Twitter thread, Pylant details what appears to be the most bonkers night in dating history.

Mashablereached out to Pylant and her best friend Katrina Avila -- who joined Pylant towards the end of the night -- to verify the story. "Everything that happened is unfortunately true," says Pylant. "I seem to have the world's worst dating luck, but I'm glad I was able to make some new friends out of the situation at least."

Pylant met up with the guy at a bar her friend Kyle works at, but "said friend" sends her a text beforehand telling her that the chap "sucks" and she should "run," according to the Twitter thread. As predicted, Pylant also comes to the conclusion that "he sucks" but she decides to stay at the bar because her friends are working there.

Pylant says she plays along with the situation for a little while to make date number two feel at ease. But, as soon as her so-called date steps away, she fills the woman in on the situation.

Date number two is on board with Pylant's plan to make this guy feel like "the fucjboy he clearly is."

That's when date number three rocks up. And, it's not long before she gets on board with the John Tucker Must Die-style shenanigans.

When they recruit the bar staff and the bouncer, that's when the fun really begins.

Date number three decided to acknowledge this group date scenario head-on with the offending chap.

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Rather wonderfully, the three women decide to become friends. Naturally, they leave the bill to Mr. Serial Dater.

Just when the women thought things were all over, the bartender texts them to inform them "homeboy" is on date number four of the night.

While date number four is on her date, the three other ladies end up chilling at the bar together.

But, nope, it's not even over yet! Because, date number five -- yes FIVE -- of the night rocks up.

The ladies manage to make it over to date number five before she has the misfortune of meeting "homeboy".

Date number five decides to play a little game with her would-be date.

Date number four comes over to the bar to hang with the three other women as date number five heads on over to Sir Dates-A-Lot.

By this point, he's already wised up to the fact he's been rumbled.

As "homeboy" was leaving date number five, he makes a surprising confession to Pylant.

Pylant confronts him and tells him exactly what she thinks of him.

Apparently the reason behind his multiple-dates-a-night technique is because he's a "project manager" who likes to manage his time.

Said individual also added he was "looking for love" and on the quest for his "future wife." Uuum, good luck with that, buddy!

Just when things couldn't get any crazier, Pylant later discovered this bloke on his sixth date of the night. Pylant's best friend Katrina Avila took a photo of the pair of them.

Avila also bought drinks for Pylant and the newfound "tribe" of fellow daters.

Still, at least Pylant made some new friends!

Looks like this "fucjboy" messed with the wrong ladies. Let that be a lesson to you all!

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