Destiny 2。is now accepting voice commands thanks to a new game-specific skill for Amazon's Alexa smart home devices. 。
Destiny 2。players with Alexa devices can now use specific voice commands to do things like change into different gear presets, see if friends are online, and find out what your next objective is, all via the in-game floating assistant named Ghost. You can download the Alexa skill, called 。 Destiny 2。Destiny 2。
Ghost, via Amazon.。 For big fans of Ghost and 。Destiny 2。
, Amazon is releasing a physical version of Ghost that works with your Alexa-powered device for $90 on Dec. 19. Note: This is not an Alexa device, just a wi-fi speaker, and requires an Alexa device to pair with.。
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Here's how it can be used to quickly change your gear and save gear presets:。
Here's how it can help you quickly check up on friends and ask for help:。 Here's how it can assist you with PvP and raids: 。The 。
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