Better hope you're making that pro money.
Apple is known for its sleek and pricey phones, and at its Sept. 14 iPhone event the company did not disappoint. The tech giant unveiled the iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro, and the iPhone 13 Pro Max — four shiny smartphones with price tags befitting their head-turning hype.
The iPhone 13 mini, with its 5.4-inch display, is the cheapest of the four models (if anything from the company that brought us the $29 pencil case can be considered cheap). With 512GB storage, it will set early adopters back a cool $1,029. Adding two years of AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss — something a reasonable person might want when purchasing such a pricey gadget — ups the price to $1,248 before taxes.
That's just getting started, though. The iPhone 13 has a 6.1-inch display, and with 512GB storage it comes out to $1,129. Notably, that's before taxes and without AppleCare+ coverage. Adding two years of AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss will bring the total up to a startling $1,348.
An iPhone 13 Pro (6.1-inch display) with 1TB storage, meanwhile, costs $1,499 sans AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss. Adding that protection brings the total to $1,768.
This, of course, screams bargain when compared to the decked out iPhone 13 Pro Max.
SEE ALSO:Everything Apple announced at iPhone 13 eventThe iPhone 13 Pro Max, with its 6.7-inch display and 1TB of storage costs a staggering $1,599 (before taxes). With two years of AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss, the before tax total comes in at a whopping $1,868.
Better start saving up now. Or, you know, make an environmentally conscious decision and hold onto your existing iPhone just a tad bit longer.
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