A trip to Ikea with your significant other can be the ultimate test. It's hard to determine just how many relationships have perished while shopping for a new couch.
Thankfully, comedian Jeff Wysaski, well-known for sneaking believable and hilariously fake signs into everyday situations with his account Obvious Plant, came up with a brilliant idea to save those frustrated by the experience of decorating their home with a "Relationship Saving Station." Perfect!
SEE ALSO:Ikea designed a refugee shelter and it lasts 6x longer than traditional emergency tentsThe station consists of 5 ways for couples (or anyone really) to let loose of any tension that may be present.
And finally, if there is still some tension, just write down your frustrations and give it to Elsa from Frozen, so that she can let it go.
Wysaski says he placed the station in the Ikea store in Burbank, California, so hopefully, at least a few customers had a nice cool-down this weekend while shopping.
Check out more of Obvious Plant's work on Instagram and Facebook.
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