If gathering with a bunch of people in front of a public monument for an hour and yelling until your lungs collapse is your idea of time well spent, you're not alone.
There's a new kind of niche gathering happening in cities across the globe, involving nothing but groups of people screaming like Goku from Dragon Ball Z in public spaces. That's it. It's perfect.
Via GiphySEE ALSO:19 tattoos that'll leave you nostalgic for your childhoodAmplifying one's kiwith a hefty vocal power-up is proving a strangely cathartic activity for big groups. A recent gathering saw a handful of humans screaming like Goku at Washington Square Arch in New York, which apparently lasted for an hour. An hour.
Events are planned for Singapore and Sydney next, both for Saturday, Sept. 9. Singapore's event, from the same group of people responsible for "Naruto runs" (exactly what they sound like), has been organised for Suntec Convention Centre, outside CharaExpo2017.
Sydney's 'Goku scream' gathering is planned for a pretty low-key venue: the Sydney Opera House. The Facebook event page currently clocks a casual 2.6 thousand people as 'attending' and 8.3 thousand as 'interested'.
Via GiphySo, got something to get off your chest? Feeling the perils of modernity weighing heavily on your shoulders? Need a cheeky power-up to show that no-good Frieza what's up? Head along and get your banshee on.
Just (super) sayin'.
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