Pornhub, the ever popular purveyor of adult videos, has announced it's adding closed captioning to some of the site's extensive library. An effort to improve the experience of users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Corey Price, Pornhub's VP, said in a press release, “Here at Pornhub, it’s important that we continue to service all of our users’ needs and make content accessible to every individual.”
Pornhub's new closed captioning in action.Credit: PornhubThe new closed captioning feature has been rolled out on over 1,000 of the site's most popular videos within the straight, popular with women, gay, bi, and transsexual categories. It's also a complement to the already existing Descriptive Video channel that Pornhub launched in 2016.
As for how it works, well you can check some of the videos out yourself -- it's Pornhub so this should go without saying that the link is VERY NSFW-- right here.
This was done as part of Pornhub's philanthropic wing, Pornhub Cares, because it's 2018, and everyone has a part of their business that goes to a good cause and manages to put the Trump White House to shame.
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