這個梗的由來是因為周淑怡長得好看但是“長了張嘴”,網友們調侃她的毒舌而發明的 。 周淑怡本是阻冲女團出身,有著美麗的相貌和魔鬼的身材,但是她的直播並不是靠這...
《龍嶺迷窟》開播,一上映就占據了各個影視劇熱度榜的榜首,豆瓣8.4後稍稍下滑至8.3,可以說是來了個開門紅 。然而源於鬼吹燈係列的阻冲硬傷,不做修改是無法上映的,...
如果明朝沒有亡國,到1840年,是否能夠擊敗西方列強?毫無疑問,明朝乃是典型的中國古典王朝模式,沒有能夠擺脫土地兼並隨著時間推移而日趨激烈這一問題,因此其... 但...
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Billy Bush suspended from NBC after release of Donald Trump audio
The New York Times stands to benefit big time from a Trump lawsuit
Richard Branson 'thought he was going to die' in bike accident
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5 fascinating details from the 'Walking Dead' comics panel at NYCC
Donald Trump is bad at 'Overwatch,' according to a billboard in Florida
Nate Parker is finally thinking about the woman who accused him of rape
Ken Bone greets Snoop Dogg in his Reddit 'Bone Zone'
J.K. Rowling makes 'Harry Potter' joke about Olympics event
Hurricane Matthew forces UMG to cancel Orlando 'Call of Duty' tournament