Sexting is a scary business. The idea of sending out an intimate photo of your genitals to someone you quite fancy is terrifying. And, sometimes a simple 🍆 just won't cut it. 。
Behold the "Dick Code," a way to share a unique and anatomically accurate image of your penis without actually taking a photo of it.。
SEE ALSO:How to explain sexting and dick pics to your British mum 。The Dick Code is the handiwork of 28-year-old web developer György Szücs, who wants to enable people to communicate better about their "sexual features."。
Szücs says the idea for the code came after a friend sent him a picture with drawn penises, where you could choose "the right one for you." He felt that the drawing was "incomplete" and it was "too complicated to communicate the result."。
So, he developed a website that would be able to accurately convey the unique intricacies of penises "beyond size." Szücs used Adobe Illustrator to create all the images one by one. He then manually coded the website with php, HTML, CSS and jQuery.。
To create your dick code, head to the Dick Code website. Wannabe sexters can then choose from a series of images that best describe their junk.。
"First I started with the obvious categories, like size, circumference and then I went on the dirty stuff and added everything that my mind could think of absolutely shamelessly," said Szücs.。
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Credit: creative robot 。
Credit: creative robot 。
But, the categories don't end there. There are also a series of images to help you convey ejaculation speed and arc. 。
"The science behind it is basically treating your selection of images as a binary number, then converting it to 3 chunks of hexadecimal numbers (so it's way shorter)," says Szücs. 。
Credit: creative robot。
Szücs doesn't want his Dick Code to be seen as the anti-dick pic. He sees no problem in exchanging hot pics when it's part of a conversation between two consenting adults.。
"If you're already in a conversation with someone online looking for a hookup, and passed the mental check, I see no problem in exchanging hot pics. Now you can exchange dick codes too," says Szücs. He sees it as a fun tool to bring out "kinkiness" in a "very safe way" to share with your partner.。
Why stop with dicks? By popular demand, Szücs is developing a "Vagina Code" for women too, which will be ready in a few weeks. "I just need lots of help as I'm not experienced in that area," he says. After that, he hopes to develop the "Sex Code," which will be able to share sex positions and games. 。
Szücs says that Dick Codes have been going down very well among sexters.。