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【】universe is colliding with

2025-02-25 03:22:05 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

Ah jeez, the。 Rick and Morty。universe is colliding with。 Rocket League 。for the game's second anniversary, introducing new 。 Rick and Morty。cosmetics for your rocket-powered car collection. 。

SEE ALSO:NBC breaks into esports, starting with 'Rocket League' 。

The anniversary update, coming July 5, will include a handful of。 Rick and Morty  。items that will drop as common-level items after online matches. There are Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith antennas, car toppers featuring a Mr. Meeseeks, a Cromulon, and Mr. Poopybutthole, a cartoony rocket boost trail, and portal wheels. 。

Take a look at what the update's got: 。

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Via Giphy 。 In addition to the new 。Rock and Morty。

Mashable Games

items, July's anniversary update will include a new arena, customizable engine sounds and goal explosions, and two new cars to fly around and play soc-car with. 。

And that's the waaaaay the news goes!
And that's the waaaaay the news goes!  。

Featured Video For You 。

Old-school arcade games have made a comeback at this underground gaming tournament 。TopicsEsportsGaming 。


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