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2025-03-04 18:02:05 [百科] 来源:有聲有色網

Elections are a sensitive subject in Florida.

When Amy Schumer performed in Tampa on Sunday night, the comedian referred to Donald Trump as an "orange, sexual-assaulting, fake- college-starting monster" and later asked audience members to stand up if they had experienced sexual assault. Around 200 people walked out of the venue as Schumer's set grew more political, seeing it as an encroachment upon their escape.

SEE ALSO:'SNL' alum Rachel Dratch perfectly shuts down Trump's claims about media election rigging

"I don't want to hear that," audience member Bryon Nfinger told the Tampa Bay Times. "We wanted to have a good night without distractions with the politics."

That sentiment was echoed on Twitter.

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Even audience members don't clearly identify why attendees left the show; whether it was because Schumer spoke to the sexually assaulted or because she openly bashed Trump. The Tampa Bay Times describes booing after Schumer called a Trump supporter on stage and he said he didn't trust Hillary Clinton.

Schumer herself brushed off the walkouts, though she was aware of them and of media coverage.

“I loved the crowd and my show in Tampa last night!” Schumer told Entertainment Weekly. “I want to thank the 8,400 people who stayed. We had a great time! We have always depended on comedians to make us laugh and tell the truth. I am proud to continue that tradition.”




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