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2025-03-13 11:33:10 [綜合] 来源:有聲有色網

When fully autonomous vehicles finally hit the road, they'll turn everyone into a passenger. As such, we'll need something to do in order to pass the time while we're riding in our vehicles.。

Luckily, Intel and Warner Bros. are here to help.。

Luckily, Intel and Warner Bros. are here to help. 。

SEE ALSO:Uber just made its biggest move yet to adopt self-driving cars 。

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Mashable Games
The two companies will essentially work together to create a new concept vehicle dubbed the AV Entertainment Experience. The car will be the only one of its kind, a specially-tailored vehicle that will be a member of the Intel/Mobileye 100-vehicle testing fleet announced back in August.。Mashable Light SpeedWant more out-of-this world tech, space and science stories?Mashable Light SpeedWant more out-of-this world tech, space and science stories?Sign up for Mashable's weekly Light Speed newsletter.  。

By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up! 。The AV Entertainment Experience will use Warner Bros. properties like。 Batman。 and。

Harry Potter 。

along with cutting-edge technology to keep passengers occupied during drives.  。

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich touted the potential for VR and AR experiences in the vehicle to go along with more traditional entertainment options like TV and movies. AR could specifically be used to open up passengers to advertising opportunities, he wrote, echoing Intel's June study that outlined a potential new $7 trillion passenger economy once self-driving vehicles become the norm.。

Intel isn't the only company interested in what passengers will do to pass the time in the autonomous vehicles of the future. Audi's 25th Hour project studied test subjects in a mockup AV interior to determine how they'll be most likely to spend their self-driven rides.  。
Audi's researchers found that people were likely to use the extra time for work, not play, so WB and Intel might have a steep road to convincing future AV riders to put their laptops down to enter a virtual playground. If the car can become a Batmobile, though, that might be a different story. 。

Featured Video For You。

Featured Video For You 。Your next taxi driver might be a robot。TopicsArtificial IntelligenceIntelSelf-Driving Cars。


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