搜狐體育消息 ,申花式失北京時間12月28日,卡里中超聯賽保級組比賽,乌斯误奥上海申花對陣滄州雄獅。破门比賽第32分鍾 ,得分申花門將馬鎮卡裏烏斯式失誤,申花式失奧斯卡破門得分。卡里
申花門將馬鎮出球猶豫,乌斯误奥勉強傳出被滄州外援奧斯卡直接鏟進球門 !破门
免責聲明:文中圖片、得分文字引用至網絡 ,申花式失版權歸原作者所有 ,卡里如有問題請聯係刪除 !乌斯误奥
Nate Parker is finally thinking about the woman who accused him of rape
Paul Rudd to host 'Saturday Night Live' season finale
Marvel Studios president has an extremely hilarious reaction to reporter's question
Pete Buttigieg officiated a couple's wedding 45 minutes before their child was born
Major earthquake and multiple aftershocks rock central Italy
The novel that predicted the sinking of the Titanic, 14 years before it happened
Adobe and Pantone are working to save coral reefs in a new campaign with the Ocean Agency
The new iPod touch is brilliant
Snapchat is about to explode in popularity, report says
Twitter is overrun with 'celebs as things' threads and it rules
Satisfy your Olympics withdrawals with Nike's latest app
Slack patches Windows app bug that could've been used for spying