北京時間6月13日03:00 ,进球2020歐洲杯B組第二場比賽,回放俄羅斯坐鎮聖彼得堡體育場對陣比利時隊。卢卡利
第10分鍾 ,库禁默滕斯挑傳禁區中路,区得球扫塞梅諾夫解圍失誤 ,射入盧卡庫得球轉身左腳掃射入網 ,网比比利時領先,进球1-0!回放
免責聲明:文中圖片 、卢卡利文字引用至網絡,库禁版權歸原作者所有 ,区得球扫如有問題請聯係刪除 !射入
Michael Phelps says goodbye to the pool with Olympic gold
Jon Stewart tells Tom Brokaw that social media has 'democratized abuse'
Trump didn't drain the swamp, he created these swamp monsters
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Two states took big steps this week to get rid of the tampon tax
The Guardian claims WhatsApp's encryption contains a 'backdoor'
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This Indian city wants its roads fully watched by CCTV and drones
There's a big piece of fake chicken stuck to this phone case
How to download your Vines before it's too late to save them
Carlos Beltran made a very interesting hair choice
Security experts request retraction of The Guardian's WhatsApp article