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2024-09-20 01:20:50 [熱點] 来源:有聲有色網

If you are reading this, take comfort in knowing that Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter and Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter will be having twins this year.  。

Yes. Twins.。

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Despite the fact that probably everyone reading this article will never get to babysit the "beybies," the news that the Queen will be giving birth to twins has brought an unexpected burst of joy in the midst of timelines constantly flooded with depressing political news—and people on Twitter could not be more thrilled about it.。

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And as one person pointed out—America, it's time to get to work and prepare the land for our Queen's offspring.。
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Featured Video For You。All 13 times the stars at the SAG Awards threw shade at Donald Trump。


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