Louis C.K. -- the "everyman's comedian" -- showed the world on Jeopardylast night that he was still smarter than, well, every man.
The comedian competed against two reporters -- CNN's Kate Bouldaun and The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart -- and successfully trounced them both. Louie will be contributing $50,000 to the Fistula Foundation, which helps women in Africa and Asia who struggle with obstetric fistulas.
SEE ALSO:Louis C.K. cancels indie money pit 'Horace and Pete'Extensive clips of the game aren't available yet, but shorter ones are currently floating around. It appears that Louis' strategy was to "take the game seriously," an ancient Jeopardymethod known for producing powerful results.
Categories for the night included "Musical Theater," "It's not Rocket Science" and, fittingly enough, "Louis Louis." Bouldaun and Capehart both demonstrated a seemingly effortless confidence, which appears to have got them nowhere.
Calling it now: Louis CK is going to embarrass these two respected journalists on @Jeopardy pic.twitter.com/hZEIcgqGJK
— Brad (@SummerOfBrad) May 18, 2016
Louis tweeted about the Fistula Foundation several times before going on air, causing the website to subsequently crash. Fistulas, Louie explained, are more than irritating cysts.
"Usually it means they become shunned and nobody will hire them or educate them or marry them," Louis explained on Jeopardy."It's a terrible thing, and the operation is very simple. So this group makes sure they get the operation, and gets them back on their feet."
Louis C.K. for the win.
UPDATE: July 23, 2021, 11:28 a.m. AESTA video embed has been removed from this story as it is no longer available.
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