You see an infuriating headline, skim through some paragraphs just enough to know this story is terrible and you head straight to the comments section, your fingers itching to fly across the keyboard in utter rage. 。
But wait -- it's test time!
But wait -- it's test time!。
Thanks for signing up!。 Here's a look at a translated quiz to leave a comment.Credit: nrkbeta 。In an interview with 。
Nieman Lab 。
,NRKbeta editor Marius Arnesen explained why the quizzes are on some of their stories: essentially, to take the edge off. As Arnesen said, "If you spend 15 seconds on it, those are maybe 15 seconds that take the edge off the rant mode when people are commenting."。 So instead of comments sections devolving into hate, conspiracy theories and insults, the quiz is supposed to keep commentary focused and more thoughtful -- and maybe even related to the topic on hand. 。 The Norwegian news outlet is really determined to put an end to online rants without completely eliminating the option to comment on a story -- which many sites (including 。