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2025-03-04 21:13:24 [知識] 来源:有聲有色網

It doesn't happen often that your douchey hipster aesthetic leads to functional delight.

Then, comes along the Penna Bluetooth keyboard.

This amazing wireless keyboard has all the old-world charm of those gigantic antique typewriters that weighed 20 pounds each and had steel-rimmed keys -- back when real writers chopped wood, grew non-ironic beards and chewed on bitter black coffee instead of sipping non-GMO Kombucha.

SEE ALSO:Starbucks is selling cold brew in jars because it wants in on the hipster market too

I'll admit it -- I want this thing. And based on early Kickstarter results, apparently, I'm not alone.

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The makers of the device launched a funding campaign to raise $50,000 on Thursday, and that campaign has already racked up $116,000.

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That's probably because the Penna gets everything right versus the earlier Hemingwrite, an all-in-one, old school style world processor that, despite its funding success, was the target of derision when it launched.

Instead of forcing you to use an antiquated screen and unwieldy syncing and saving process, the Penna can pair with existing iOS, Android and Windows mobiles devices. Additionally, the device only needs two AA batteries to operate and comes in black, white, pink, green, and (of course!) faux wood color.

This thing also has a Macro Bar that's fashioned to look like the return lever on an old typewriter. It allows you to trigger a saved action (enter, backspace, as well as frequently used words or phrases).

You can pretend you don't want this thing, but just remember, you aren't required to wear suspenders or join a food co-op to use it -- this is quirky tech that's actually quite sensible.

The Penna weighs just 1.7 pounds, costs $99 and is scheduled to ship to backers in August.

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