Got any exciting plans for National Panda Day today?You do now.
Pornhub wants you to dress up like a panda and film yourself having sex. “Haha, whaaaaat?” you may rightly be thinking. But hear me out. There is an actual method to this madness.
Giant pandas are not famous for their horniness. (Males spend most of their time sleeping and eating, and females are only interested in sex a few days a year.) As a result they’re not great at keeping their population numbers up. While they’re no longer endangered, thank goodness, they are still vulnerable and on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Scientists whose job it is to pay attention to these things have found that when the furry little creatures watch “panda porn,” which is exactly what it sounds like, they tend to get friskier, increasing the chances that they'll breed.
The problem is that there’s not enough good quality footage out there for them to watch. That’s where you come in.
Pornhub wants you to make your own panda-inspired porn and upload it to their site. That could mean anything from donning full-on panda suits to using black and white body paint. (If you need inspiration, they’re offering a few NSFW examples.)
SEE ALSO:Pornhub wants to be the hottest destination for sex edIf everyone does their part, the end result will be a sizable database of engaging porn available for this vulnerable species -- and for any humans who are into panda-on-panda action too. Pornhub is also going to donate $100 to panda preservation nonprofits for every “Panda Style” upload and one cent per view through April 16th.
So really there are no losers here -- well, except maybe the zookeepers who are going to have to watch us all when they play our porn for the pandas.
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