It started off as a joke, but it looks like Animoji karaoke has become official.。
Apple on Tuesday released a video with its own rendition of Animoji karaoke, weeks after the trend first went viral on social media.。
SEE ALSO:iPhone X Animoji Karaoke is the next big thing。It all started when。 Fast Company 。writer Harry McCracken posted videos on Twitter of him lip-syncing songs to an Animoji.。
Tweet may have been deleted。
It was quickly picked up on social media, with many users creating their own clips and sharing them on Twitter. A dedicated Animoji Karaoke Twitter page soon sprung up, and it wasn't long before the trend, as McCracken put it, truly became "a thing".。
And now even Apple has jumped onboard, with its new video showing Animojis singing to Big Boi's "All Night". 。
The company might be late to the trend, but boy is it trying to make up for lost time.。
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