北京時間10月6日晚 ,比利半决比利時國家隊官方宣布,时官随队赛索爾跟-阿紮爾未隨隊前往意大利備戰歐國聯半決賽 ,阿扎將缺席對陣法國的出征比賽 。另外,将缺博洛尼亞後衛蒂特補招進入比利時國家隊。战欧
北京時間10月8日淩晨,国联歐國聯半決賽在意大利進行 ,比利半决比利時將和法國爭奪一張決賽的时官随队赛入場券。
国联Tags :(责任编辑:熱點)
Actor Roberto Cavazos accuses Kevin Spacey of sexual harassment
Nude app hides your dick pics, but it still has kinks
Osama bin Laden had the 'Charlie bit my finger' video
Olympics official on Rio's green diving pool: 'Chemistry is not an exact science'
It's no surprise the internet had a ball with Trump's official portrait
'Game of Thrones' star Maisie Williams is 'excited' for show to end
Researchers create temporary tattoos you can use to control your devices
Ugh, Ted Cruz cracked a 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' joke during his debate with Bernie Sanders
The U.S. will no longer have the final say on internet domain names
This dude took a whole year to solve this math problem, and the answer is too funny