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2025-03-04 21:34:27 [熱點] 来源:有聲有色網

A hirsute baby is slowly but surely taking over the internet. And our TVs.

Eight-week-old Junior has been nicknamed "Baby Bear" by his family, such is the bouffant nature of his hair. It's as big as it is adorable.

SEE ALSO:Cute baby wakes up to hell of its own making

The Irish infant and his mum Chelsea Noon have been profiled at length in the last 48 hours resulting in a proliferation of pics -- mostly of Junior getting his hair blow-dried.

But last night, Australian TV program The Projecttook it one step further, cutting back to a portrait of the tiny infant in between the footage for every news update which followed.

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It was funny for a hot second, but when Junior appeared during a report on the backlash Kim Kardashian has received on social media following her frightening robbery — well, that wasn't funny at all.

The show's host Waleed Aly later addressed the very awkward image-swap, saying it wasn't a crap joke, but a technical gaffe. "Obviously there was a little technical issue in the middle of that. We need to point out that was not remotely deliberate."

Co-host Peter Hellier had another theory: "I think my little friend hacked the system." Sure enough, the program did not make a video of the live error available, so guess you had to be there.

His hair doeslook like it might imbue him with magical powers.


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