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2025-03-04 18:34:27 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

In case you needed one more reason to be in complete awe of first responders handling the COVID-19 pandemic, paramedic Danny Hughes is here to help.

On Friday, the UK-based medical professional, who currently works for South East Coast Ambulance Services per his Twitter bio, shared his inventive solution for speaking to patients who lipread while wearing a mask. (H/t r/nextfuckinglevel)

"Some of our patients and service users rely on lipreading to communicate and wearing a mask makes lipreading almost impossible," Hughes said in a video he posted to Twitter. "I’ve found that using this app called Google Live Transcribe and other voice-to-text transcribe apps can be really, really beneficial in communicating with those patients. If you’ve found this helpful, please share."

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One commenter questioned whether these apps stored sensitive patient information shared during private conversations appropriately. Hughes assured he and other members of South East Coast Ambulance Services were in the process of assessing just that.

"We're in discussions with our services' IG lead and Data Protector Officer to see if this app or an alternative is viable and safe to roll out to all frontline staff in our Trust."

Multiple commenters endorsed this solution in addition to the widespread adoption of clear face masks. Hughes agreed it was important to consider a wide array of solutions for people who lipread while face masks continue to be essential.

"I'm pleased to be able to share the concept and potential this technology has in helping individuals communicate," Hughes said in a follow-up tweet. "It isn't a perfect solution but everyone's communication needs are different so a one-size-fits all approach won't help everyone."



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