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2024-09-09 21:29:09 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

Hell hath no fury like a dog left alone with a sofa.

SEE ALSO:Dramatic puppy meeting a husky gets a hilarious Photoshop battle

The Photoshop battle subreddit got a treat when this photo popped up on the site.

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Plenty of drama already inherent in that image, so without further ado here are the masterpieces that came flowing forth from the source.

Mashable ImageCredit: argi_/reddit/Imgur/universal picturesMashable ImageCredit: argi_/mandal0re/imgurMashable ImageCredit: argi_/theblazingphoenix/imgur/20th century foxMashable ImageCredit: argi_/241baka/imgurMashable ImageCredit: Argi_/mandal0re/imgurMashable ImageCredit: argi_/cheeseburgess/imgur/lucasfilm

Well done little dog, you really showed that sofa who's boss.

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