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2025-03-04 18:11:26 [熱點] 来源:有聲有色網

Back in February, at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, SanDisk announced their most capacious microSD memory card yet -- a behemoth with 1TB of storage memory.

The company said at the time the card would be available in April, but The Verge noticed that it has taken until now for it to actually hit retailers.

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The card, sexily named "SanDisk Extreme microSD UHS-I Card - 1TB," is available on SanDisk's online store, for the price of $449.99, as originally promised. It's also on Amazon, but it's only available in certain countries, including Spain and the UK.

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In terms of specs, SanDisk promises 160MB/s read speeds and up to 90MB/s write speeds.

If the price is too much for you, perhaps SanDisk's 512GB card is a better option -- it's available from SanDisk's website for $199.99, and it's more widely available on Amazon for the same price.

As for the reasons for getting such a capacious memory card in the first place, if you have to think about it, you probably don't need it. Folks with very large music collections and those who shoot a lot of 4K video on their phones, for example, will easily find a use for it.

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