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2024-09-17 12:07:11 [探索] 来源:有聲有色網

Internet trolling can suck, but when it's done by top professionals, we are here to offer our support. 。

OkCupid developers decided to have a little fun with one of their more serious users.。

"Bill from Chicago" complained about the dating app's eccentric release notes and requested that they just cut to the chase.。

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SEE ALSO:7 hilarious Instagrams that will make you feel better about your dating drama 。

They listened and took his advice...well, sort of. 。

Mashable Games

Curious about the added spice that Bill was so worked up about? Well, in one of their past release notes from May 9, 2017, the developers wrote, "We changed our app icon again, and we'll probably do it again. And again. It's just one small way we're prepping you for future life changes. Adaption is important. Did you know Florida might be underwater one day? Crazy." 。 Crazy." 。

Those clowns. But honestly these things are usually so dry that most of us appreciate any effort to spice them up.。

Still no word on whether Bill from Chicago is now a happy customer. 。

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