How to improve a video of a breakdancing Gorilla in a paddling pool?
Easy, just add "Maniac" from the Flashdance soundtrack.
You don't believe me? Just watch this:
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People were mesmerised by the talented animal letting his freak flag fly:
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The gorilla in question is Zola, a Bronx native who is well-known for his dance moves.
"There's a lot more to this behaviour than you may think," Dallas Zoo, where Zola is living now, said.
"Enrichment helps enhance the environment and lives of animals, like Zola, by providing them with mental and physical stimulation to increase natural behaviours. [It] can take many forms, but for this spunky great ape, it means playing and spinning in his favourite blue pool!"
In 2011, a video of Zola breakdancing at Calgary zoo went viral:
The music was added afterwards and the zoo keepers noted that this is not a trained behaviour.
Nobody puts Zola in a corner.
*Via Giphy*Yes, this iteration is from Flashdancebut we couldn't resist adding a Dirty Dancingtribute to Zola too.
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