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2025-03-04 19:33:15 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

While Samsung's Galaxy Note7 flagship phone has long been discontinued and (mostly) rendered unusable, the jokes about its occasionally flaming battery still keep on coming.

The latest is ingenious in its simplicity. It's a virtual fireplace in the form of a YouTube video, in which a pile of Note7 devices is burning instead of logs.

SEE ALSO:Good news: Samsung reportedly knows what ruined the Galaxy Note7

The video, created by Anthony Antonellis, is accompanied with soothing ringtone music and it's just perfect to play on your TV during the holidays.

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We only have one complaint; the video is just eight minutes long. Can we get an 800-minute version, please?

via Gizmodo

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5 awesome Android phones to replace your Galaxy Note7



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