Good morning, angels! Whoops, sorry, that's my other job. Good morning, Wordlers! Has the clock ticked past midnight where you are? That means there's a fresh Wordlefor you to solve.
You'll find today's Wordle answer at the bottom of this post, but if you want to try and work it out yourself first, you'll find a few clues as well as general Wordle tips, strategies, and info as you make your way down.
Created by engineer Josh Wardle as a gift for his partner (romance!) and later bought by the New York Timesin a seven-figure deal, Wordlehas become a daily habit for thousands of people, and inspired countless clones and variations on the basic guessing-game format.
Try the diabolically hard Absurdle, the maddeningly fun music game Heardle, the multi-game variants that add up to the 31-word Grand Slam (aka Untrigintordle) — or you might want to go deeper with Wordleclones for specific fandoms.
Need more Wordle?Here's the answer and hints for April 6
Generally, you want to lock in or rule out at least two vowels, and a couple of common consonants. We've got plenty of ideas for you to try.
Some people found there were two different possible Wordleanswers again last week. Here's why.
No, it's not getting harder. In fact, we've technically all been playing it on easy mode — here's how to switch on Hard Mode.
Just one Wordlea day not doing it for you? Good news. You can also play the whole archive of past Wordles.
Yesterday's Wordle:Here's the April 3 Wordle in case you're looking for it. We do this every day.
You might see it more often with the prefixes "pre-" or "post-" than on its own.
SEE ALSO:Will Apple make your MacBook obsolete this month?It does!
It ends with an L. Hopefully your game today does not.
OK, OK, we'll tell you.
It is...
A slightly cheeky one, this — it's got that double vowel, which you might have got lucky with if you like to keep an A in your starter.
It's also a word that, as I've noted, you might hear more often as part of "prenatal" and "postnatal". But I promise it's a word on its own! As you might guess, it means relating to birth.
Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to today's Wordle.
Nate Parker is finally thinking about the woman who accused him of rape
This German startup wants to be your bank (without being a bank)