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2025-02-25 01:00:19 [知識] 来源:有聲有色網

The renaissance is upon us. And no, we're not talking about Beyoncé's legendary tour.

According to Tinder's Future of Dating Report 2023, we have entered a dating renaissance, driven by Gen Z's desire to disrupt dating and relationship norms carved out by previous generations.

75 percent of Gen Z feel they are challenging dating and relationship standards that were passed down to them, the report found. 18–25 year olds make up more than 50 percent of Tinder's user base, according to the dating app.

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They're not alone in acknowledging that dating culture is shifting. Over half over millennials surveyed think dating is healthier for 18–25 year olds than it was when they were that age. 73 percent of 33–38 year olds said that dating games, such as playing hard to get or giving mixed signals were widely considered to be normal when they were aged between 18 and 25.

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The report also found that 18–25 year olds are 32 percent less likely to ghost someone than people over the age of 33. Gone are the days of waiting hours or even days to respond to a message to play it cool. 77 percent of Tinder users respond to a match within 30 minutes, and 40 percent respond within five minutes.  

Authenticity is also top of the list when it comes to what younger daters are looking for.

Authenticity is also top of the list when it comes to what younger daters are looking for. 78 percent of Gen Z surveyed said they prioritise respect in partners, with 79 percent prizing loyalty as an important quality and 61 percent valuing open-mindedness. Meanwhile, 56 percent prioritised physical appearance. 80 percent of 18-25 year olds say their own self-care is their most important consideration when dating, and 79 percent want their prospective partners to make a priority of their own wellbeing too. Nearly 75 percent of young single say they find a match more attractive if they're open to working on their mental wellbeing.

SEE ALSO:How to stay safe on dating apps

"In 2023, Tinder is largely used by Gen Z. This is a group that continues to influence society and challenge constrictive norms in the most profound of ways. No other generation has made such a huge impact on the workplace, retail consumption, technology, politics and culture," says Faye Iosotaluno, COO at Tinder. "It is this generation that we believe are driving the most change that we’ve ever seen in how we date, who we date and what dating actually is."

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As a result, Tinder’s global relationship insights expert, Paul Brunson believes that "Gen Z will have the most successful marriages yet. Why? Because they’re investing in emotional well-being and clear communication."

In the age of ChatGPT, over a third of Gen Z say they're happy for AI to help them build out a dating profile (34 percent).

The times, they are a-changin'!


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