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2025-03-04 18:06:20 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

Our one and only Queen Beyoncé is now another year older, and to celebrate, she took it back a couple decades Monday night with a Soul Trainbirthday bash.

The singer was joined by friends and family who put in serious work to adhere to the 70s theme—afros, bellbottoms and all.

SEE ALSO:Beyoncé turned 35 today, so she can officially run for president

Destiny's Child crew, Kendrick Lamar, Usher, Alicia Keys, Chance the Rapper and more music makers were in attendance to help Yonce bring in her 35th year.

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Beyoncé postponed her New Jersey stop on the Formation World Tour due to vocal rest, but that did not stop her from getting in formation and busting some moves on the dance floor with husband Jay-Z.

Blue Ivy was in attendance and gave a little shoutout to her mom after Beyoncé thanked the crowd for coming. "You guys did such an incredible job committing and I'm so happy to be here," Bey said.

Maybe we'll all get that invite next year, but in the meantime, Beyoncé posted a special Instagram shoutout to the BeyHive.

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