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【】, which hits Netflix on April 21.

2024-09-19 11:55:07 [探索] 来源:有聲有色網

Bill Nye, the Science Guy, meet Tyler, The Creator.。

The beloved TV show host tweeted this amazing encounter on Saturday. It shows the two talking about the theme song for。 Bill Nye Saves the World 。, which hits Netflix on April 21.。

SEE ALSO:Bill Nye Bashes Creationism In Kindest Possible Fashion 。

"That show, it got kids to not hate science class," Tyler said of the original 。 Bill Nye the Science Guy 。, which had a "really sick" theme song.。

"You take out that snare, it could be a house song."。

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Damn, I didn't know learning about science was that cool. 。

Bill's new show will be targeted more toward adults, with celeb guest stars and segments on topics like global warming.。

Bill had plenty of praise for Tyler. 。

"I love you man!" he said. 。

OFWGKTA forever, Bill. 。
Featured Video For You 。

The first teaser for 'The Last Jedi' is here and OMG 。



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