Trump's tweets sound pretty natural coming from Thanos.
Appearing on The Late Showwith Stephen Colbert, actor Josh Brolin, who plays the genocidal Avengers: Infinity Warvillain, read out a few of the president's tweets in character on Tuesday night.
SEE ALSO:Josh Brolin, a.k.a. Thanos, reacts to Thanos dancing in 'Fortnite'Honestly, it's a little too effortless, especially Thanos' version of Trump's "stable genius" tweet:
Tweet may have been deleted
Although it's fun to watch Brolin read out the president's ludicrous tweets, it's a little unnerving to catch yourself picturing Trump wielding an Infinity Gauntlet.
Brolin was meant to be promoting his upcoming movie, Sicario 2: Day of the Soldado, but you can't blame Colbert for squeezing the last few drops of Infinity War promo out of the perpetual late night show good sport.
But however exceptional a job Thanos did at reading out Trump's tweets, it's still not as perfect as Andy Serkis reading them out as Gollum.
"What's covfefe, precious?"
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