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2025-02-25 04:48:49 [探索] 来源:有聲有色網

Magician Matt G' shared footage of an unusual admirer at one of his recent performances: A curious orangutan.

The orangutan's name is Raj and he was born in captivity in the '60s. He has lots of human friends and even has a girlfriend. But he doesn't have a lot of magic in his life.

Until now.

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SEE ALSO:People can't decide if this monkey is cute or if it looks like Lord Voldemort

In the clip, the magician approached the ape, pressed a card to Raj's glass enclosure and - voilà! The card magically appeared inside Raj's pen.

The bewildered ape made his own attempt at the same magic trick, though he still needs to work on his form.

You're not alone, Raj. We also have no idea how Matt G' did this.

BONUS: Bye, bugs!

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