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2025-03-04 16:01:08 [百科] 来源:有聲有色網

Think your politicians are spineless? That they should grow a backbone?

Well, now you can quite literally send them one. Nothing is holding you back.

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Cameron Scott calculated that it would cost £18,867 ($23,050) to send a £57 model of the human spine to each MP who voted down an amendment to the Brexit Bill, which would have given Parliament a vote on the final deal with the European Union.

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His post on Reddit went viral, and Scott did what everyone should do in these situations: he set up a crowdfunding page.

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Scott is particularly critical of the second amendment to the Bill.

"Parliamentarians denied themselves the opportunity to review the terms we will get in favour of placating the government, who are currently running full steam ahead towards no deal at all," he said.

Unwanted spines could be forwarded by MPs to NHS teaching hospitals.

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An accompanying letter will be sent to each recipient, outlining why they have received their anatomical guide, what message they should take from it, and what they should do with it in the event that they do not want to keep it.

If you want to back this initiative, here's the Gofundme link.

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