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第18輪場序154長春亞泰vs深圳隊、期争場序156上海海港vs成都蓉城 、进行場序157武漢長江vs滄州雄獅 、中超照常場序158大連人vs上海申花的官方冠焦比賽延期,補賽時間另行通知 。第轮点战第18輪其餘場次對陣日程如圖 。场比
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Old lady swatting at a cat ends up in Photoshop battle
'Ghost of Tsushima' got me to watch streamers. I finally get the hype.
Charles Esten talks 'The Office' and what it was like playing Josh Porter
Arizona sues Google for tracking users' location even when they turned tracking off
Man stumbles upon his phone background in real life
LEGO has revealed its Super Mario launch lineup
New meme has some great ideas for what to put up instead of Christopher Columbus statues
Lyft and Uber threaten to stop operating in CA if forced to make drivers employees
J.K. Rowling makes 'Harry Potter' joke about Olympics event
'Insecure' continues a tradition of excellence in Season 4
Balloon fanatic Tim Kaine is also, of course, very good at harmonica
New meme has some great ideas for what to put up instead of Christopher Columbus statues