The 2018 Pyeongchang Games are officially underway and now it's a race to see which country scores the most golds and overall medals in the next two weeks.
On Saturday, The Netherlands pulled off a medals sweep in the women's 3,000-meter speed skating event, making them the first country to collect gold, silver, and bronze medals for this round of games. And how did they celebrate? By throwing some shade at President Trump, of course!
SEE ALSO:Ranking every sport in the Winter Olympics, even the ridiculous onesIn a photo captured by Dutch TV channel NOS, two women proudly whipped out The Netherland's tri-colored flag with some words painted over it aimed at Trump.
"Sorry Mr. President...The Netherlands FIRST... and 2nd... and 3rd!" the message reads.
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So much for America First and Make America Great Again...
Trump's not in attendance at the Olympic Games. But perhaps, he's watching it from the White House, sitting on a golden toiler loaner. Nah, who are we kidding? Trump only watches Fox & Friends!
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