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2025-03-04 19:36:32 [知識] 来源:有聲有色網

We're a sucker for a good love story.

Which is why the internet was utterly rapt when Chance the Rapper's story of how he met his fiancée who he's marrying in the next few days.

SEE ALSO:Chance the Rapper buys out every screening of 'Get Out' at theater so fans can watch for free

In a Twitter thread, Chance explained that he was nine years old when he met the woman he would go on to marry.

Back in 2003, his mum was working as a real estate agent when she took her family to one of the office parties. He was told that the party would be featuring an "exclusive performance" from none other than Destiny's Child.

In walk three girls who, per Chance, "were not Destiny's Child." Lol.

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"Brief pause while they got in position and crouched with their heads down before the music starts," he wrote.

As the music begins, and the words "question, tell me what you think about me" play, 9-year-old Chance couldn't stop looking at one of the performers.

"Now I'm locking eyes with the prettiest girl I ever seen in my almost-a-decade of life on earth," wrote Chance.

Chance's dad encouraged him to join the three performers to show off his dance moves. But, Chance was too shy. "Young me was shy," he wrote.

But it wasn't just his shyness that prevented him from getting up to dance. "It's cause I knew I was gonna marry that girl. And I ain't wanna jump the gun," he wrote.

"So I shook my head with anxiety, moved to the back of the crowd and never even introduced myself."

"16 years later it's happening," he added. "This wknd is the time, and the place is my wedding. I'm gonna dance with my wife because this is my destiny."

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