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2025-03-04 18:30:17 [娛樂] 来源:有聲有色網

Harrison Ford is finding out one near-miss at a time that piloting a private vintage warbird ain't like dustin' crops.

Nearly two years after surviving a hard crash-landing of his single-engine 1942 Ryan Aeronautical ST3KR at the airport in Santa Monica, the actor formerly known as Han Solo accidentally flew directly over a loaded commercial jetliner in Orange County, California, when he mistakenly landed on a taxiway instead of a runway, according to NBC News.

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No one was hurt and Ford safely landed his single-engine Husky -- a modern, American-made backcountry flier -- in the Monday afternoon incident. He could, however, have his pilot's license suspended after the Federal Aviation Administration completes its investigation.

According to NBC News, the 74-year-old had been properly told to land on runway 20-L at John Wayne Airport, but mistakenly aimed for a taxiway. Along the way he buzzed over a parked American Airlines 737, which was carrying 116 souls and departed safely just a few minutes later.

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Ford was heard saying "Was that airliner meant to be underneath me?" on recordings captured by air traffic controllers, who then told him of his mistake. Honest mix-up or not, landing on a taxiway is a violation of FAA rules.

Ford may very well get away with just a warning here, but whatever the consequences, he made off far better than on March 5, 2015, when his World War II-era training aircraft lost power.

Mashable ImageWhat was left of Harrison Ford's single-engine plan after he plowed it into a Santa Monica golf course in March 2015.Credit: Rich Polk/Getty ImagesGetty Images

An experienced and highly regarded pilot who collects vintage planes, Ford was able to put that single-engine plane down on the fairway of a municipal golf course -- a move that won him hero's status for avoiding the dense residential areas all around -- breaking his arm and suffering minor head injuries in the process.

A rep for Ford did not immediately return a request for comment.

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