Australia's take on The Bachelor is in full swing, complete with the least hygienic shared bath experience in the history of both bathing and chocolate consumption.
Ne'er before has the ritual of a soak in the tub been paired with the deliciousness of melted chocolate. There's a reason for that. Turns out it looks suspiciously like the aftermath of a traumatic colonic, as Twitter users were quick to point out.
The Bachelorcontestant Alex won the much-screamed-about prize of a single date with the Aussie Bachelor Richie Strahan aka the washboard with legs. Producers threw caution to the wind and decided the date should culminate in a dip in a tub filled with melted chocolate. And it forced Twitter into a chocolatey meltdown.
bloody bring on the oompa loompas and put this date out of its misery.#TheBachelorAU
— dan debuf (@dandebuf) August 25, 2016
Now Alex and Richie know what it feels like to be Augustus Gloop. #TheBachelorAU #ChocolateBath
— Linh Chameleon (@CelebrateAwe) August 25, 2016
What a time for explosive diarrhoea to strike!#TheBachelorAU
— Alastair Pryor (@al_le_star) August 25, 2016
This is the most awkward Easter of all time. #TheBachelorAU
— Jen Dudley-Nicholson (@jendudley) August 25, 2016
Oompa loompa doompety doo...#TheBachelorAU
— The Bachelor Aus (@TheBachelorAU) August 25, 2016
Thank you, Australian Bachelor.You remind viewers everywhere that there's nothing like dating 20 people at once. #RomanceIsDeadDelicious
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