We can always count on author J.K. Rowling to call out Donald Trump on his bizarre Twitter behavior. Anytime we need her, she's there with a tweet, ready to fire back.
Trump and Morning Joecohosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have never, shall we say, seen eye-to-eye on practically anything. But on Thursday, Trump sent out two tweets calling out the MSNBC talk show hosts on their visit to his golf club Mar-A-Lago, and referred to them as "Low I.Q. Crazy Mika" and "Psycho Joe."
Tweet may have been deletedSEE ALSO:Twitter queen J.K. Rowling helps out pal Stephen King after he's blocked by Trump
Then he found it presidentially appropriate to lash out at Brzezinski's supposed cosmetic surgery.
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In response, Rowling, ready as ever, quoted screenshots of the harsh tweets with the very apropos words of Abraham Lincoln.
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The Lincoln quote states, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
There seems to be no end in sight for Trump's insults, OR J.K. Rowling's great comebacks.
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